What type of content?

Would love to know what type of content you guys are interested in reading about. My goal is to inspire and motivate others to make time for photography and make the most of that time even if they have very little time. I went to college for photography and have since gone in a different direction but I am hoping to bring photography back into my life on a daily basis.

I love to go out and wander and take random pictures of whatever I am drawn to, but I want to put a little more purpose behind that. Even if it’s shooting a certain type or style of photo I think that will result in a stronger end result. I would like, with your help, to bring focus to what I share and write about here.

A couple of ideas I’m exploring is doing and sharing weekly challenges/projects/assignments that you could give a try as well. Also would be open to just creating lists of the essentials you need for different types of photograph, or focus on specific products I have found useful and even inspiring through getting a new perspective. I am open to whatever might help and inspire you to go out (or stay in) and take photos.