NPD Studio | About Me

My Name is Neil Doocy and I am a graphic designer. I studied photography in school, developing black and white film and prints for hours on end in high school continuing on the get a four year BFA in Photography at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. I discovered my love for design after graduating. I love how design can bring together functionality and beauty to really anything and everything. Most of my design skills and education has come from outside of school, learning from the great many educators on Skillshare and YouTube.

For the past few years since graduating I have been a part of a team that started a distillery based in Bridgeport, CT. My main focus has varied over time but included a mix of sales, marketing, social media, poster/signage design, product education, tasting event, and much more.

Throughout this time I also took the opportunity to get some one on one customer experience working in several restaurants behind the bar and working as a server. This experience taught me the value that repeat customers, or clients, bring to really any business. I also know that sometimes you have to adjust and change expectations on both sides of the table to get to the best possible solution in the end. Vital skills when working with clients in creative fields and business in general.

Most of the work throughout my website has been created purely through my own imagination, skills, and resources. I hope to populate more and more of it with work that I have made together with clients.