Composite Photo Styles

One fun project I recall enjoying, and may further explore soon with new subjects, is creating composites of a single object or multiple related objects.

One approach is to shoot on a solid and evenly lit background, white is probably easiest but a color might be much more interesting. The fun here is to shoot from different angles or different distances. The shadows will not match but that’s ok and part of the fun.

Another approach is to shoot related objects from a single perspective on a solid color, also preferably white, background and compose a sort of layout in photograph in a more gridded structure.

An additional fun technique is to make a repeating pattern out of a single object on a solid background. Essentially, as long as the edges and corners repeat, you can fill in the middle with whatever objects and elements you would like on a solid background.

A final technique is to compose a shot, preferable using a tripod, and moving the object around for multiple photos in the same scene. You will likely want to have a main shot and essentially fill in around it.

Whatever approach you take, have fun and share your results!